MR Museum Exhibits vs Physical Museum Exhibits

May 01, 2022

As technology advances, museums have implemented Mixed Reality (MR) exhibits to enhance the visitor experience. MR technology in museums allows visitors to view exhibits in a multi-dimensional and interactive way. But does it outweigh the traditional physical exhibits?

Visual Appeal

One of the advantages of MR museum exhibits is its visual appeal. MR exhibits use 3D technology, animation, and special effects to create a fantastical experience for visitors. Physical museum exhibits, on the other hand, rely on real-life objects to showcase their collections. The challenge of physical exhibits is the limitations of space and resources to showcase an extensive collection. However, high-quality and realistic exhibits provide a sensory experience that MR often fails to deliver.


MR in museums can provide an inclusive experience for individuals with physical disabilities. For instance, virtual systems allow visitors to view exhibits they may not otherwise be able to access due to mobility issues. However, physical exhibits give visitors the opportunity to examine and appreciate the intricate details of each exhibit.


Interactivity is a multi-dimensional experience that MR technology excels in. Visitors can interact with 3D exhibits, play games, and watch videos. Additionally, visitors have access to information in new and exciting ways. Interactive displays through MR allow museums to enhance their storytelling ability. In contrast, visitors to a physical exhibit primarily have access to static information, audio tours, and maybe a few interactive elements.


The cost of exhibiting through MR can vary, but it tends to be more expensive than traditional museum exhibits. Depending on the complexity of the MR exhibit, it could require a substantial budget for equipment, software, and maintenance. With physical exhibits, items are displayed as they are, without the need for expensive technological enhancements.


Both MR museum exhibits and physical museum exhibits have their respective advantages and disadvantages. MR technology provides an interactive, multi-dimensional experience that can enhance storytelling while compromising a real sensory experience. Physical exhibits provide the opportunity to showcase objects and its artistic value in its original state. While cost and access are factors museums need to consider before implementing MR technology, it is exciting to see how technology is improving an already enriching experience.


  • Brown, S. (2018). Virtual Reality and Its Applications in Cultural Heritage. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, 8(4), 431–442.
  • Patel, N., & Patel, M. (2018). Role of Virtual and Augmented Reality in the Cultural Heritage Landscape. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, 8(4), 443–457.
  • Tucci, G. (2020). Mixed Reality for Museums: A Comprehensive Overview. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services Adjunct, 83–88.

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